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Rubina T., Stalidzans E. Evolution of alternative control loops of biological systems. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Applied Information and Communication Technologies", April 26–27, 2012, Jelgava, Latvia, ISBN 978-9984-48-065-7, pp. 317–324. View full text.
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Stalidzans E., Z. Markovitch. Development of dynamic model for a biological system under conditions of insufficient information. In Proceedings of ITAFE-05 International Congress on Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment, October 12–14, 2005, Adana, Turkey, pp. 337–344. View full text.
Stalidzans E., Z. Markovitch. Methodology of control system development for biological systems under information insufficiency. European Modelling Simulation Symposium EMSS 2005, Marseille, France, October 20 – 22, 2005. pp. 169–175. View full text.