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Radio broadcast about our Waste2Surf project

Our colleague Elina Dace gave interview for the local radio station's Latvijas Radio 1 broadcast programme "Known in the Unknown" [Zināmais nezināmajā]. Elina discussed the aim, purpose, initial results and conclusions of our ongoing project Waste2surf. In the project together with our partner JSC "Bioteniskais centrs" we are exploring waste cooking oil valorisation into biosurfactant sophorolipid through biotechnology solutions.

Programme was broadcasted on January 26 and is available online in Latvian here. The interview with Elina can be heard in the time interval from 00:50 to 11:30.

The project “Sustainable Microbial Valorisation of Waste Lipids into Biosurfactants” is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (project No.


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