Features of numerical methods optimizing dynamic models of biochemical networks (2013)

Project No. 09.1578
Source of funding: This project is supported by the Baltic-German University Liaison Office through German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Project period: 01.07.2013 – 10.12.2013
Project budget: 2 900 EUR
Project leaders: Professor, Dr. sc.ing. Egils Stalidzans, egils.stalidzans@lu.lv
Objectives: ​
determination of convergence features of global stochastic optimisation methods depending on the constraints of biochemical network models.
Target groups:
Target groups are the participants of interdisciplinary fields of system biology: biologists, biotechnologies, computer scientists.

Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia

BIOQUANT, Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Germany

University of Latvia, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Exchange of experience and agreement about the set-up of optimisation experiments in COPASI.
Carrying out of optimisation experiments to find out the properties of optimisation methods optimizing biochemical networks.
Seminar "Opportunities of optimization of dynamic biochemical networks" in Heidelberg on August 26, 2013:
System biologists from Latvia visit BIOQUANT at Heidelberg University between August 21 and 28, 2013
Egils Stalidzans, Natalja Bulipopa, Jurijs Sulins and Katrina Landmane visited the research centre BIOQUANT, University of Heidelberg at the end of summer. Different activities were carried out to coordinate the optimization experiments, exchange the interdisciplinary working skills, draft the idea of a joint scientific publication.
Seminar "Algorithms for optimisation of dynamic biochemical networks" in Riga on October 17, 2013