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Jul 30, 2009
Boat trip 2009
This was the second boat trip of Biosystems group and friends discovering the next part of river Salaca. The trip started in Staicele and...
Jun 18, 2009
MOSBIO meeting and training course in Finland
Fifth MOSBIO course was organised in Finland and was intended for biology teachers taking into account their preliminary knowledge. The...
Jun 3, 2009
Scientific seminar of Biosystems group
Scientific seminar of Biosystems group was organised on June 4, 2009. The good tradition of organizing seminars at Biosystems group has...
May 28, 2009
Fourth MOSBIO meeting and course in Bilbao, Spain
Within the second half of the project some results have to be presented. That was the case in Bilbao where our educational materials and...
May 28, 2009
ICT-Agri ERA-net meeting in Copenhagen
Finally, after about a year, it is clear that ICT-Agri project will be funded. Egils Stalidzans and Dr.biol. Dace Tirzite (Latvia Academy...
May 10, 2009
Meeting of KBBE Collaborative Working Group on Synthetic Biology
One of perspective directions for future is where Biosystems group could apply its computational and modelling skills in synthetic...
Apr 30, 2009
Biosystems group at Binarins 2009
Each year in April for two days the students of the faculty have a scientific conference as well as a relaxing day with sports and games....
Mar 16, 2009
Lecture course "Systems Biology from Molecules to Function"
Third FEBS advanced lecture course Systems Biology from Molecules to Function took place on March 7 – 13, 2009 in Alpbach, Austria....
Jan 26, 2009
Bioreactor photo session
We received a bioreactor (produced in Latvia by company BTC) in June 2008, It is located in room 307. This has been the most spectacular...
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