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Vidzeme Innovation Week successfully concluded

We want to share our success achieved by organizing an event on February 25, 2022 during Vidzeme Innovation Week. The event consisted of two thematic sessions where we together with invited speakers shared our experience and best practices on the challenges and opportunities for valorisation of food industry by-products and bio-waste (title in Latvian: Kas vienam lieks – otram prieks! Vai varam to attiecināt arī uz ražošanas blakus produktiem un bioatkritumiem?).

Event's description:

It is hard to imagine a production process without the formation of by-products. Similarly, it is hard to find a household where no bio-waste is generated. There are two options. By-products and bio-waste can be treated as waste or used as a resource to produce new products through a circular economy prism. A circular economy requires the necessity to develop industrial symbiosis and preserve resources in the loop or anthroposphere for as long as possible. Together with industry representatives we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of circular economy objectives, as well as discuss the benefits of innovation in the valorisation of by-products and bio-waste.

If you missed the live event, nothing is lost yet. You can watch a recording of the event on our YouTube channel (in Latvian). Please note that we have added links to each presentation in the video description to make it easier to choose the presentation you would like to see.

Special thanks to our colleague Karina Balina for organizing this event.


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