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Vidzeme Innovation Week

Vidzeme Innovation Week is an event organized by the Vidzeme Planning Region. The event aims to connect various stakeholders from different fields (municipalities, industry, research, society etc.) to disseminate and share knowledge on innovative ideas and solutions. This year the event will take place from February 21 to February 25, 2022. The theme of this year's event is SYMBIOSIS for development and innovation.

The event consists of various thematic sessions and our group in collaboration with industry experts has organized a side event on challenges and opportunities of food industry by-product and bio-waste valorisation (title in Latvian: Kas vienam lieks – otram prieks! Vai varam to attiecināt arī uz ražošanas blakus produktiem un bioatkritumiem?).

It is hard to imagine a production process without the formation of by-products. Similarly, it is hard to find a household where no bio-waste is generated. There are two options. By-products and bio-waste can be treated as waste or used as a resource to produce new products through a circular economy prism. A circular economy requires the necessity to develop industrial symbiosis and preserve resources in the loop or anthroposphere for as long as possible. Together with industry representatives we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of circular economy objectives, as well as discuss the benefits of innovation in the valorisation of by-products and bio-waste.

Our organised event will be held on February 25, 2022, from 10:00 to 13:30 (GMT +02:00) online in Latvian. The event will take place on Zoom, as well as will be broadcast on Youtube and the Vidzeme Innovation Week's website.

Everyone interested can register for the event here.

Event programme (in Latvian):

More information about the Vidzeme Innovation Week can be found on the event's website.


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