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The post-doc project START kicks off

We have started the new post-doc research project "START: Decision Support Tool for Decarbonisation Assessment of DistRicT Heating". The objective of the project is to develop a decision support tool for identifying decarbonisation level for development scenarios to assess the transition from the existing district heating system towards the 4th generation district heating (4GDH) system.

Implementation of the 4th Generation District Heating (4GDH) system would allow the EU member states to move towards the EU goal of climate neutrality by 2050 and achieve one of the European Green Deal’s goals – supply clean, affordable and secure energy. Planning of energy systems that provide transition towards 4GDH and achieve deep decarbonisation is necessary for policymakers, DH producers and consumers, and other stakeholders in the EU at regional and local levels. Currently used models limit users' understanding of the dynamic behavior of an energy system and do not allow identifying the driving forces behind transition towards the 4GDH. Therefore, the scientific aim of START project is to develop a decision support tool for identifying the decarbonisation level for scenarios in the transition towards the 4GDH system by using three modelling methodologies – system dynamic (SD), Life Cycle Carbon Assessment (LCCA) and multi-criteria analysis (MCA). To achieve the set goal, a SD model will be developed during the project, which will be integrated with the LCCA. The developed scenarios will be evaluated by using MCA. This novel hybrid model will facilitate the understanding of feedback mechanisms while simultaneously interacting with the system.

The START project is funded under the European Regional Development Fund Specific Objective 1.1.1 “Improve research and innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to attract external funding, by investing in human capital and infrastructure” measure “Post-doctoral Research Aid”. Project application selection round No.4. Project No.

To find out more about the project, contact the post-doc researcher Jelena Ziemele:


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