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Research mobility to Nottingham

Our colleagues Anna and Elina have recently returned from their two-week research mobility, where they visited Dr. Jon McKechnie and his group at the University of Nottingham. They had productive and fruitful knowledge exchange through various discussions and research workshops centering on the methodologies of Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) and how these can help with developing and guiding industrial process-development and policies shaping the sustainable transitions.

Speaking of the visit Elina said: “The research exchange, discussions and workshops have been very productive and will serve well in continuation of my project. I feel my researcher’s career boosted again a bit higher.”

Anna and Elina thanks Jon and his group members - Kate Haigh, Ellen Newman, Ben Davies, Disni Gamaralalage, Jorge Llamas Orozco, Cheryl Duke, Sarah Rodgers and others for the warm welcome and being wonderful hosts for their time there. We look forward for collaborations in the future and meeting next time in Riga.

Anna and Elina are both thankful to the European Regional Development Fund for providing funding and support that enable early career researchers with the much-needed research mobility, international collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

The funds were received within the post-doctoral research projects «Decision Support Tool for an Integrated Food Waste Valorisation System (DeSTInation)» (project No. and “Sustainable valorisation of fermentation waste by microbial metabolic modeling and extension of fermentation cascades (Fer2Fer)” (Project No.


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