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Jelena's mobility at the Tallinn University of Technology

Our collegue Jelena has recently finished her visit in the Research Group of Smart District Heating at the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). She had very fruitful discussions about the potential of waste heat integration into district heating system with colleagues Anna Volkova, Andres Siirde, Eduard Latõšov, Igor Krupenski, Kertu Lepiksaar and Siim Poom.

Jelena thanks colleagues for sharing their opinion about currently so topical issue. Special thanks go to the senior researcher Anna Volkova for the scientifically enriching discussions on the implementation of innovative technologies, and the impact of district heating sector on urban decarbonization policy during this virtual mobility visit.

The research is supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the project No. “Decision Support Tool for Decarbonisation Assessment of District Heating Systems”, LU registration Nr. ESS2020/411, LU funding code S398-ESS411-ZR-N-270.)


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