After many virtual meetings during the previous year, our colleague Jelena Ziemele was finally able to meet a colleague from the Lithuanian Energy Institute, Laboratory of Energy Systems Research Dr. Lina Murauskaitė in person at the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the University of Latvia. They productively worked on a joint conference paper, which is being developed in collaboration with researchers Dr. Anna Volkova and Dr. Eduard Latõšov from Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), School of Engineering, Department of Energy Technology, and Vytautas Džiuvė from AB “Vilniaus šilumos tinklai”. There is no substitute for live conversation magic!

The research is supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the project No. “Decision Support Tool for Decarbonisation Assessment of District Heating Systems”, LU registration Nr. ESS2020/411, LU funding code S398-ESS411-ZR-N-270.)