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FEBS-X advanced lecture course "From Molecules to Function"

This was the fourth biannual FEBS lecture course in Innsbruck, Austria organized by the leading systems biology scientists with Hans von Westerhoff as the main coordinating force. Lecture course took place between February 26 and March 4, 2011. Our team was represented by Valters Brusbardis, Martins Mednis and Egils Stalidzans. Traditionally the course had an introductory day and we chose the topic presented by David Fell focusing on mathematical aspects of systems biology.

We joined different computer and blackboard practical works. Four to five parallel topics were offered to choose from. Our Estonian colleagues from TFTAK also participated and we could share opinions as we have different background and viewpoint on the same course topics.

Scientifically the most important part was the poster session where experts of systems biology were analyzing our posters commenting both the content and the design of the poster.

Of course there was time for downhill skiing and snowboarding as well as usual at FEBS courses. So we enjoyed the white slopes of Axamer Lizum.


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