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Nov 23, 2012 final meeting in Kolka
The project has come to an end and last event took place in the facilities of Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia. Nice...

Sep 30, 2012
ERASynBio meeting in Berlin
ERASynBio meeting took place in Berlin in September 2012. Jurijs Meitalovs un Egils Stalidzans represented Latvian Academy of Sciences.

Sep 30, 2012
ISGSB meeting in Ameland
The International Study Group of Systems Biology (ISGSB) organizes biannual workshops where new developments in systems biology research...

Aug 30, 2012
Summer camp 2012 of Association of Latvian Young Scientists
Summer camp of the Association of Latvian Young Scientists (ALYS) took place in Ledurga district. Great lectures were presented at...

Jun 21, 2012
Andrejs and Jurijs defend their Bachelor theses
Bachelor works of Andrejs Kostromins and Jurijs Meitalovs have received the highest grade "excelent" for their bachelor qualification...

May 31, 2012
Visiting BIOQUANT in Heidelberg
In May 2012 Jurijs Sulins and Egils Stalidzans went to the beautiful Heidelberg to meet the group of Sven Sahle at BIOQUANT, University...

May 27, 2012 meeting in "Bejas"
The (almost) scientific seminar took place in a recreational complex "Bejas", located close to Riga.

Mar 23, 2012
BIOSS Practical Synthetic Biology course in Freiburg
A great and very intensive course was held between March 12 and 21, 2012 in Freiburg University, Germany covering many aspects of...

Mar 15, 2012
NEW scientific journal "Biosystems and Information Technology"
Members of the project together with the company TIBIT have started preparation of a scientific journal "Biosystems and Information...

Mar 1, 2012
Visiting the "Control Engineering for Synthetic Biology" group
In February 2012 Jurijs Meitalovs and Egils Stalidzans visited the “Control Engineering for Synthetic Biology” group at Imperial College...

Jan 31, 2012
Scientist of the year 2011
Each year The Student Council organizes the annual award in several categories. Students are voting for the best people, departments,...
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