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Dec 16, 2020
Dedicated lab experiments for the development of mathematical model
The Rhodolive project, just as many other projects, continues by electronic communication and is delayed due to the Covid-19. The...

Dec 14, 2020
Congratulations to Karina Balina for successfully defending her PhD Thesis
We are delighted to announce that PhD Candidate Karina Balina successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Baltic Seaweed Biorefinery" on...

Oct 30, 2020
Bioinformatics Excellence Scholarship awarded to our colleague Santa Prikule
Santa Prikule has been awarded the Bioinfromatics Excellence Scholarship of the University of Latvia Foundation for the 2020 / 2021...

Sep 30, 2020
The Waste2Surf project kicks off
We are proud and happy to announce the start of our new project “Waste2Surf: Sustainable Microbial Valorisation of Waste Lipids into...

Sep 23, 2020
What is metabolomics and where can we use it?
Kristaps Klavins has returned to Latvia from Austria this summer. For several years he was involved in the research field of metabolomics...

Sep 14, 2020
Informative seminar about the CryZym project
On September 22 at 13:30 (UTC +3) an informative seminar will be held at the House of Nature, Academic Centre of the University of...

Jul 29, 2020
Modelling Environmental Systems & Sustainability Elina Dace is a post-doc researcher at the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia. She has...

Jun 30, 2020
Congratulations to our colleagues with finishing their studies!
We congratulate our colleagues Darta Maija Zake and Santa Prikule with finishing their studies! Darta is now the Master of Science in...

May 1, 2020
The DeSTination project kicks off
We have started the new post-doc research project "DeSTInation: Decision Support Tool for an Integrated Food Waste Valorisation System"....

Feb 10, 2020
Joint workshop between VPH institute and OpenMultiMed COST action
Joint OpenMultiMed-VPHi workshop on Multiscale Modelling in Systems Medicine was held 6.-7. February 2020 in Liege, Belgium....
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